What Sheriffs Can and Can’t Do

South African Sheriffs are regulated by South African Board Of Sheriffs.

The South African Board Of Sheriffs are responsible for monitoring all sheriffs as well as their deputies and most importantly, the South African Board Of Sheriffs are responsible for ensuring that all sheriffs execute their duties in a humane manner. 

Although sheriffs have a negative reputation, often times than not, they are just doing their job. Despite the certain boundaries that they are not allowed to cross such as giving legal advise, sheriffs are legally mandated to: 

  • Enter your premises when you’re not there. 
  • Open any door, vehicle, or piece of furniture on your premises.
  • Attach, remove and sell your movable & immovable properties, so long as the attached items won’t impede your ability to generate income.

Despite the bad rep that sheriffs have, should you ever encounter a sheriff, do not runaway from them or even send a dog to chase them, try to speak to them in order to find the best solution regarding your specific situation. 

The Online Auctions Team

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